THE MARS VOLTA ITALIA forum: "In Thirteen Seconds"

Cedricchismi, a Parla con Me... Cedric Bixler!

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CAT_IMG Posted on 14/3/2011, 15:47

Hand over hand over hand

At Action Park


come avrete forse notato, da qualche tempo CBZ ha scoperto i social network, è su fb e, soprattutto, su Youtube. Questa la sua pagina: su cui risponde spesso a commenti di fan. Molti son già stati postati qui nelle discussioni attinenti (soprattutto le influenze ma anche domande specifiche su brani, album, futuro dei tmv, eccetera).

Per stargli dietro, apriamo questa discussione dove pubblicarle tutte in attesa di spostarle le singole risposte ove più giusto.

queste alcune delle ultime.

not really a primus fan,sorry,and yes kristin young is rad. its too bad morissey kicked her off the tour for making a joke about him.

patton is untouchable

(per la gioia degli amici pattoniani)

i could never play drums for volta

yes soothsayer is something D could actually even improve. no disrespect.

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Elvia Zapata Lex
CAT_IMG Posted on 16/3/2011, 10:33

si e che qualcuno le traduca pure please! cioè a "i could never play drums for volta" c'arrivo,ma ogni tanto fa certi monologhi....

sorry no spanish on this record, no zeppelinesque voyages, no santana like flourishes or vishnu accuasations. no congas, no hammond organ stabs, no 30 minute songs, no drums that sounds like mosquitos buzzing in your ear. just future punk. ...thats the only way to describe it from my point of view.

future punk? future punk? mi spiegate cos'è il futur punk,dal suo punto vi vista.
CAT_IMG Posted on 16/3/2011, 11:47

Hand over hand over hand

At Action Park


qualche tempo fa, su Facebook qualcuno postò un link sui Refused, le ristampe dei loro dischi e il loro "future punk". La sua risposta piccata fu che i Refused non valevan nulla e che band che invece meritavano più attenzione, nel campo del punk "evoluto" fossero i Brainiac (basta ascoltarli e dar un'occhiata a qualche foto per rendersi conto di quanto il povero Tim Taylor abbia influenzato Cedric) o i Nation Of Ulysses di Ian Svenonius (che poi avrebbe fondato i Weird War, band che era pure all'ATP). Prova queste due, magari.
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Inno Minato
CAT_IMG Posted on 16/3/2011, 12:22

il vero e reale problema è che il punk fà cagare. ( perdonami Lint ovunque tu sia )
sarà anche future, ma rimane la solita merda rapida e violenta che fà presa sui tineiger.
io voglio i viaggi zeppeliani, rivoglio le spolverate santaniane e le accuse di plagio alla vishnu orchestra.
se voglio una parentesi punk mi riascolto Acrobatic Tenement non il nuovo dei Mars.
porco due.
CAT_IMG Posted on 17/3/2011, 01:03

Hand over hand over hand

At Action Park


detto che, se vi capita di aprire quella pagina, potete benissimo copiare incollare che io ho solo due mani e ora meno che mai troppo tempo libero, negli ultimi due giorni la cosa è diventata surreale. dovrbebe chiuderla e ritornare a cantare, altroché, ormai scarseggiano pure le cose interessanti (che, ragionevolmnete, non hanno ragione di esser pubblicate qui).

no tetragramma-THONG anymore. it had its time and its place and we played it enough. if we do release the aussie dvd we would have to edit thomas out of per his request to never be used in any and all future recordings(music and film) and i dont know where and it will come out. keep your eyes out for a cool bootleg of it.

grazie agli amicici di The Marble Shrine:
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Inno Minato
CAT_IMG Posted on 18/3/2011, 16:37

fresche fresche:

preferenze mosicali:

the one album that hits an emotional chord with me is the album LAUGHING STOCK by the band TALK TALK. u might know this band from their big 80s hit covered by no doubt called its my life. by the time talk talk did laughing stock they had done a complete change and it is one of the most saddest,darkest albums ....and i absolutely fucking love every fucking song on that record. it reminds me of jeremy ward and recording deloused. it kinda explains the mellow shit in amputechture.

su Steve Drozd dei Flaming Lips e sui Phantasmagoria:

steve from flaming lips? when i was 15 i sang for a band in el paso called phantasmagoria. a little unknown band JANUS 18 toured through el paso and we let them crash at our spot and showed them around juarez and generally had an amazing time and a cool bond with them they were very husker and early soul asylum style. fast forward moons later and i meet flaming lips and it turns out steve was in janus 18 and it blew him away that i was that little kid in the band that helped his band out and now i was in this band now (volta) SMALL FUCKING WORLD !!!

sui Matallaca:

yes we al have met them. say what you will about them but they are generally really nice fucking people. they came to see us play in new zealand once at a club. all of them did, which was rare for them. james was a little bummed that we didnt play inertiatic. kirk and omar are friends and lars was always inviting us places and being really cool to us. ulrich brought john macenroe to a show in australia and after wards he macanroe and theodore raged into the night until what i heard was like 5 in the morning. macanroe had a match the next day at like 12 or something and whooped the other dudes ass hungover !

about the Muse:

sorry im not a fan of muse. nice guys though. i do love me some deerhoof....i never know what thy are going to throw at me. muse just doesn't elicit anything at all from me and i sometimes feel like they are a metal version of radiohead, no offense or disrespect but i was asked.

sembrano una versione metal dei Radiohead...applausi !

altre fellazio musicali:

octahedron was the actual realization of a simplified volta and at the same time cryptamnesia came out at the same time. but you be shocked thats what we are supposed to do.

quant'è bello Omarello.

f anything i was the one who missed the first rehearsal. but this was mine and omar's little beast from day one. he has been its guitar player, its mover and shaker, its card dealer, its booking agent, its song writer......everything that got volta were its at is because of him. he made it happen. the deals, the meetings, all the red tape that gets taken for granted....omar made happen. EVERYTHING

parlando dei Volta e citando gli U2 ? ebbene si.

there is a song by U2 that says "you've got to get yourself're stuck in a moment and you can't get out of it" this applies to the fans who turn their back on us. that isn't passion, thats elitist snobbery. i've been guilty of it myself and now being in this position and can easily say that i ashamed of ever having said the phrase "yeah their first two records are cool, but then after that...meh...." omar and i have been throwing curve balls since 2001, and the fact that those "passionate" fans ignore that is actually quite funny now. they can always watch a bootleg or hit repeat...thats what it's for. sorry we are just not that band. couldn't they tell by the music that we weren't that band to begin with?

finisco con una chicca:

You got a name for the new album? what should we expect?
something came over is a throbbing gristle quote

che qualcuno avverta lazarus gordon
CAT_IMG Posted on 27/3/2011, 02:53

Hand over hand over hand

At Action Park


non che mi aspettassi il contrario:

its safe to say that cassandra gemini will not be played again.

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Around Here
CAT_IMG Posted on 27/3/2011, 17:53

it's safe to say che cedric dice una serie di minchiate che poi vengono smentite, se domani a omar viene il frizzo di suonarla, lui canta e zitto. Non mi stupirei di nulla, dalla reunion degli atdi a un rientro, fai anche per poco, di jon theodore. La dichiarazione in ogni caso è valida per il futuro prossimo, non che influisca granchè sulle mie scelte di andare a vedere o meno i mars volta.
CAT_IMG Posted on 31/3/2011, 14:55

Hand over hand over hand

At Action Park


questa non mi è piaciuta.

for those who havent noticed marcel is a fantastic key board player. my favorite key board player to play with. ever. he is everything i could hope for in a player. and his style always evolves

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CAT_IMG Posted on 13/4/2011, 14:33



su amputechture

amputechture was the album that separated the volta audience down the middle. at that point there were a lot of atdi fans barely getting what were doing and when ampu came out there no training wheels left as far as song structure. to me there is a structure to it but it's just not as linear as some needed it to be. we had just come off tour with hella and hosted our own ATP, which u can hear on the record. it was moodier,tangled, and at times did what a lot of krautrock does which is repetitive and drone like. it is the autistic child with tourettes while the other albums tend to be the pretty blonde that everyone stares at. sorry if i sound egotistical. ampu is the kid in the trench coat that goes postal.

CAT_IMG Posted on 17/4/2011, 11:43

Hand over hand over hand

At Action Park


toh, i capelli di cedric cantano:
i wore my hair as naturally as i could for 15 years. those interviews you speak of are kinda old. we all have to keep our lives fresh and in a small insignificant way me cutting my hair will bring about the poseurs who were listening to our hair in the first place. i had to let go of something i was afraid of letting go in order to advance my instrument as a spirit. there is not a performance that goes by where i feel truly naked and vulnerable and it is the biggest rush i have ever felt. you'd be surprised to see the amount of people that i have let down with my hair cut. may the shallow part of the pond dry and show its true nature as a mere mirage. i seek an endless ocean that understands the caliber of my soul not my appearance.

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CAT_IMG Posted on 27/4/2011, 23:57

Hand over hand over hand

At Action Park


the name volta is just a term that fellini used as in new scene or change. there is no uses looking for the exact page from the exact book. the reason we choose it what should be focused on. new scene,turn,next phase...the shedding of old skin(fans,sounds, expectations,comfort zones)

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CAT_IMG Posted on 9/5/2011, 21:58

well aware of the gas lamp killer and the burial collabs with york. gaslamp killer opened for us at the echo in LA before we did the SF NYE SHOW a while ago.

asfar as the soundgarden dates go we dont control that and we are not the only choice for openers. some dates have the meat puppets and queens of the stone age some have us. its schedules and variety choices on their part thats all. if i have a personal lack of affinity for a crowd or place to play, it doesnt mean we will stop playing it. just look at arizona. i have every reason to not like playing there, but we still play it. if ever there is a time we dont play somewhere it is because of the red tape behind payment,schedules, managerial agendas,etc etc etc. sometimes people think the most craziest reasons as to why we dont play somewhere.

i've never had throat surgery, and the way i sound on bedlam? u mean the effects or singing as high as i do? if you notice i dont sing high on every thing i do. i try and pace myself. there was the use of frusciante's modular synths on the vocals but i would say that it was a stylistic choice. when every bodies instrument is battling to be heard in the same frequency it is my natural inclination to sing high to hear pitch and to be heard above the music and busy drums and effects. hence us still being a pop band with vocals. albeit a different style of what is defined as pop but none the less pop.

CAT_IMG Posted on 15/5/2011, 09:01



ancora su amputechture
more insight into the stories behind ampu? hmm watch the believers,lucifer from vertigo comics,everything is illuminated(the movie) because thats just some of what we were ingesting during the making of it

non ce lo facevo appassionato di comics!

sui porcupine tree
im sorry we give u that prog vibe. it sounds so limiting and one dimensional. we will try harder so that you can utilize an entire sentence to describe us rather than a one word category. and no i am not a fan of porcupine tree. just not my cup of tee. thanks for interest in what we do.

23 replies since 14/3/2011, 15:47   445 views