THE MARS VOLTA ITALIA forum: "In Thirteen Seconds"

Il sig. Rodriguez Lopez oggi consiglia ..., scoprite il piatto del giorno del nostro chef

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CAT_IMG Posted on 22/7/2008, 02:44

Hand over hand over hand

At Action Park


Chicago - 07.18.2008

Rock superstar takes music recommendation to the next level.

It is rare that the music industry sees other than rockstar foulmouthing and general trash-talk amongst artist, and subsequently a stranger sight when a visonary composer sets his sights on promoting fellow musicians. Such is the task of guitarist Omar Rodriguez Lopez of The Mars Volta; a volatile mix of genres, mixing punk rock with salsa, and chaotic spasms of intoxicated blabbering. "No, no!" Rodriguez counters. "It's not about drugs at all. In fact, you know, this project is strictly for clean artists. No exceptions. You want in, fine, but lose the meth, man". Having lost several friends to the temptations of hard narcotics, Rodriguez Lopez has since stayed far away from this lifestyle.

The project in question is called The Omar R. Lopez Seal of Quality, and is a term that is applied to selected works both physically labled, and used as a marketing punchline. Much like legendary filmmaker Quentin Tarantino is often used to promote movies in his 'Quentin Tarantino Presents...' series, Rodriguez Lopez and Universal Music hope to spread the word about new and old releases alike.

While the effort only encompasses music managed by Universal Music, Rodriguez Lopez hopes to see some old favorites get re-released. "It's not about making money, or getting my name out there. It's about recommending good music. I'm not saying records that don't have my Seal of Quality on them are bad, I'm just saying that if you get one of these marked albums...well, you know they're going to be good".

Universal Music plans to launch the program later this year, though it's unclear whether the rumoured split between them and The Mars Volta will affect anything.

- Steven Gopher, Chicago Herald Online

Omar=Uomo del monte, dunque?

se da un lato può esser interessante scoprire musica "consigliata" da Omàr (cosa che comunque, note un pò delle loro influenze, chiunque potrebbe fare), è singolare e non so quanto "disinteressato" un progetto del genere. In fondo, sarebbe comunque una bella spinta promozionale. E ricordo ancora lo sticker "My favorite new band!" (Omar Rodriguez-The Mars Volta) su What We Must degli Jaga 3 anni fa...
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CAT_IMG Posted on 22/7/2008, 09:38

Per quanto Omar credo che sia disinteressato, sicuramente non si può dire altrettanto per la universal. La valuto comunque una bella iniziativa, sono certo che porterà qualcuno ad apprezzare album poco valorizzati; d'altro canto, mi aspetto già una valanga di critiche per eccesso di sboronaggine e cazzate simili. C'è da dire comunque che suona abbastanza ridicola la definizione "Seal of quality", spero che ci farà della sana ironia sopra.
1 replies since 22/7/2008, 02:44   55 views