THE MARS VOLTA ITALIA forum: "In Thirteen Seconds"

s/t, Omar Rodriguez-Lopez & John Frusciante, 17° lp, 2010

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CAT_IMG Posted on 12/3/2010, 16:39

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At Action Park


kaboom dalla Sargent House:
Omar called... two more albums dropping soon some guy name John Frusciante and him - rings a bell.... oh hell yes.

dopo Ximena, è tornato al primo amore?
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CAT_IMG Posted on 13/3/2010, 00:11

Hand over hand over hand

At Action Park


rilancio, sempre su Omar + Froosh:

Do you happen to know if someone else is featured on the ORL + John Frusciante collab?

one album is just omar and john
the other is the quartet which is omar, juan, john and marcel

The albums Omar recorded with John are going to be released separatedly or at the same time?

i will give information when it's ready. Some things are left to be found out - enjoy surprises. I do

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CAT_IMG Posted on 14/3/2010, 03:33

Hand over hand over hand

At Action Park


e ancora:
Do you think we could expect the first Omar album with John to be coming out sometime in April? I've been waiting for this collab for such a long time!

I don't know still waiting on the masters to be done so I doubt it but then again I love the sneak attack release so you'll just have to watch and wait and see

pensieri su questo attacco di Frusciantite?
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CAT_IMG Posted on 14/3/2010, 22:22

ricordando che frusciante si è ritirato dai RHCP per concentrarsi su altri progetti, ho molte speranze per codesto progettino...

però cazzo, el grupo nuevo, le varie ximenate, tutte belle cose che però rimangono campati per aria, non uno straccio di tour serio che venisse da ste parti
CAT_IMG Posted on 27/3/2010, 16:46

Hand over hand over hand

At Action Park


pare, pare che di sti due dischi con froosh se ne parlerà già ad aprile...
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CAT_IMG Posted on 1/5/2010, 12:04

Hand over hand over hand

At Action Park



It is with such great pleasure that we announce the release of this special album through Rodriguez Lopez Productions. It was made quite some time ago between two very close friends and two amazing musicians. When Omar and I talked about releasing this he had always said it was something he did not want to sell, that he felt strongly about having it be free as it was never done for any kind of commercial reason, nor was it recorded in some big studio or mixed and mastered by some big expensive place. It was an honest release of music amongst two people who share a bond and love for making it. I love that thinking and feeling. I asked him if we could do something that reflected this honest love of creating. So we decided to use our digital store system so we could make it free for anyone, but also offer people to be able to donate what they could and to then give any money raised to something we all find to be so important here and that is the continuation of art and music to be nurtured, exposed and available to all people. So you can go and download this album by Omar Rodriguez Lopez & John Frusciante for FREE in any file size by entering $0.00 when prompted - it will ask for your email but you don't have to stay subscribed to our mailing list if you don't want to either. Or you can fill in any amount you might care to donate to benefit "Keeping Music In Schools" programs. We will be donating all the proceeds to different schools and organizations that help provide instruments, and teachers, supporting great mentors that will encourage creativity. This release is just one of more to come that will be charity albums from Sargent House and Rodriguez Lopez Productions.

Each one teach one.

Omar Rodriguez Lopez & John Frusciante

Release Date:May 01, 2010
Label:Rodriguez Lopez Productions
Track Listing

1 4:17 am
2 0=2
6 0
7 5:45 am



Subito a scaricare! :O

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p.s. riguardo all'"altro" disco con Frusciante:

Quartet is coming.. art still being done.

there will be a vinyl release on both ...
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Inno Minato
CAT_IMG Posted on 2/5/2010, 02:04

Bellissima notizia, colta appena l'ho letta, usufruendo di un momento di sconforto e tristessa ho ascoltato di getto tutto il breve album ed è per me l'opera più interessante di Omar degl'ultimi anni, questo materiale per quanto semplice è davvero valido ed efficace, sfido chiunque ad ascoltarlo e a proferir parole di dissenso, lento,sussurato quasi ma efficace e finalmente non sbrodolone e schifosamente rumoroso come molti progetti dei due che qui fondono le loro così diverse anime per un meraviglioso viaggio sereno e finalmente musicale, senza orpelli, rumori e simili, solo chitarre, delicatissime nel loro pur semplice fraseggio, ma che colpiscono subito nel segno ma senza violenza ma al contrario stupiscono per la loro leggerezza.
Bello fin da subito, non me lo sarei mai aspettato, provare per credere.
CAT_IMG Posted on 2/5/2010, 10:16

allora non si è rincoionito del tutto!!!! che bello! st'album è stupendo...santo frushante che ha fatto disintossicare omar da ximena e gli ha ricordato chi è..un fleshone! non un romantico omar è un fleshone!!!

CAT_IMG Posted on 2/5/2010, 10:31

un'attimo due erano vecchie... è postumo?
Around Here
CAT_IMG Posted on 2/5/2010, 14:36

uao, son contento di leggere parole entusiastiche e mi metto anche io all'ascolto. Ma dunque questo risale a circa... 2004? o anche prima?
CAT_IMG Posted on 2/5/2010, 14:51

Hand over hand over hand

At Action Park


dovrebbe essere del 2005 anche perché due pezzi eran già sul singolo gsl uscito allora (anche se, a memoria, questi mi paiono una versione leggermente diversa).
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CAT_IMG Posted on 3/5/2010, 10:42

lo sapevo! è postumo :( è come sentire un album dei pink floyd o dei pantera godi come un suino ma non ci sono più..disperazione catartica...
CAT_IMG Posted on 3/5/2010, 14:08

Hand over hand over hand

At Action Park


intanto, alcune info aggiuntive: come si può ascoltare anche solo dal confronto con i due "singoli" 0 e 0=2 del tempo, questo disco non è stereo ma mono e su questo la SH stessa, interrogata, si è detta sorpresa per cui, forse, verrà ripostato a breve anche in formato stereo:

I noticed that the whole Omar+John album appears to be mono and I know a couple of the tracks weren't originally like that. Is this a mistake possibly?

possibly but we are trying to track down at what point it got like that - stand by

is the new omar and john album mono on purpose?

we are checking on why that is right now -

Not to sound ungrateful, but it sounds like something went wrong with the mastering. Tracks sound like they were mastered too loud, often clipping. I love the music, but the mastering seems off.

you don't sound ungrateful. we are checking on the whole mono issue as well.

sulla questione della "datazione" di questo materiale:

Thanks so much for being quick in uploading ORL & JF after receiving it. I apologize for our incessant needs, but I for one am grateful. Any info on when this was recorded? When the "0=2" single was released in 2005, it was said to be recorded in 2003.

the Omar & John thing is super old, another reason they just didn't want to sell it because it really was just love amongst two friends and musicians playing together - I'm so glad it can be released and raise awareness and money for a great cause instead. I don't have exact dates on each song but yes a long time ago it was done.

ecco, personalmente ci terrei a fare questa considerazione: questo disco è bello e, sicuramente, per quel che mi riguarda, lo ascolto più volentieri almeno degli ultimi due, Solar Gambling e Ciencia, per non andar troppo lontano nel tempo. Inoltre, come una fotografia, riprende un periodo molto fertile per entrambi (supponiamo sia datato circa al 2003, come asserito qui sopra): Omar impegnato nel primo periodo TMV e sui primi lavori solo, Frusciante su gran parte dei suoi lavori, tour insieme, jams. Un periodo a cui, da fan dei TMV, non si può non guardare con affetto.

E "regalano" questo disco. Ecco, a tal proposito magari Omar avesse visto in quest'ottica tant'altro materiale pubblicato quando magari si trattava di divertissement più che di dischi fatti e finiti (ORL + Jeremy, Despair, Minor Cuts And Scrapes...). E'vero che all'atto pratico non sarebbe cambiato molto (scaricarlo "gratis") ma, almeno presentare pure quelli come download gratuiti avrebbe fatto molto. Poi, che anche questo sarà pubblicato in vinile, è un altro conto.

Artwork in hi-res:
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CAT_IMG Posted on 3/5/2010, 18:06

Hand over hand over hand

At Action Park


Ecco, riguardo alla versione "mono":

Apologies to everyone who has DL'd the O&J album but we will be re-uploading it to the site it is having some issues with mono and phasing. It is being fixed and will be up in the next day.

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CAT_IMG Posted on 3/5/2010, 18:43

Hand over hand over hand

At Action Park


e alcune elucubrazioni comatoriane secondo cui in questo disco ci sarebbero sonorità vicine a A Manual Dexterity e, addirittura, un pezzo avrebbe dovuto far parte del Vol.2 di AMD. E ci starebbe tutto, visto che i due dischi potrebbero esser quasi coevi e Frusciante collaborava già al primo:

SPOILER (click to view)
beginning of VTA gives me mass AMD vibes

LOE too

That's cus it is. It was on the AMD Vol. 2 Frankoso has. Its an unreleased song that wasnt on "Absence..." either and yeah, the VTA riff is the same one as Viernes

I though we were talking about VTA and LOE sounding like AMD... unless VTA and LOE are in Absence and I didn't notice?

wasn't Absence made up from songs that were going to be used in Deloused/Trem?

no, the press release said something about it being from unused TMV stuff but it is definitely AMD2.

It is, I know Paco (Frankoso) and he's got the complete "AMD Original Soundtrack" and once the one we all know is done, it follows with Absence, the thing is that it sounds completely different (better quality and dif mix in some songs) and there are some xtra songs that arent on Absence which one of them turned out to be LOE.

btw, I know 4 a fact frankoso's starts shooting his first feature film this week and omar gave him permission to use his music (solar, la ciencia and several more) for it as part of the soundtrack (which the rest shall be made by Rikardo, omar's brother). Paco's also working as editor in the series that they're shooting in elp.

it makes perfect sense if you think about it. Omar didn't want to finish AMD due to Jeremy's death hence the title change and picture of Jeremy in the vinyl.

Frankoso è il nick di un ex comatoriano, un giovane cineasta di El Paso di nome Paco Ibarra che sarebbe vicino alla band, avrebbe anche dato una mano nelle riprese di The Sentimental Engine Slayer e ripreso qualche show degli Zechs Marquise (alcuni video sono nella discussione dedicata a loro)

Da quanto sopra si evince cheAMD2 sarebbe in realtà in gran parte stato pubblicato, si tratterebbe di Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fungus anche se con alcuni brani esclusi e uno sarebbe LOE, contenuto in questo disco.
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35 replies since 12/3/2010, 16:39   480 views