THE MARS VOLTA ITALIA forum: "In Thirteen Seconds"


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CAT_IMG Posted on 30/6/2009, 16:03

CITAZIONE (Inno Minato @ 17/6/2009, 12:33)
Octahedron is the most approachable record that the band has produced since their 2003 debut De-Loused In The Comatorium

ma sono stato l'unico che per capire DeLoused c'ha messo due settimane e sette ascolti ?
non credo ci siano album accessibili dei Mars, al massimo trovi quello meno ostico.

io frances l'ho amato dal primo minuto...però è l'unico in effetti...
CAT_IMG Posted on 1/7/2009, 20:58

CITAZIONE (Kitt @ 30/6/2009, 12:57)
c'è proprio qualcosa che non va se perfino Pitchfork dà 6 a questo disco! :D

The Mars Volta
[Warner Bros.; 2009]

Look, here's the deal: If you don't know what you're getting into with a new Mars Volta record at this point, after seven years and five albums (plus one EP and a live thing or two), then my advice is to go directly to full-length numero uno, 2003's De-Loused in the Comatorium. Sample its rhythmic-centric, post-emo art-rock, and decide if you need to continue through the band's catalog. It only gets less user-friendly from there.

Because (speaking to the first-time listeners) "rhythm-centric" here doesn't mean anything remotely funky. It means the frantic, percussion-heavy, multiple-tempo-shifts-per-song brand of complexity inaugurated by batshit 70s-era theatrical hard rock. Also, the band's allegiance to jazz-fusion titans, ones not averse to fuzz and a low-end, means things get far...looser from album number two onward. Arena-grade heavy metal thunder abruptly melts into a groovily aimless journey for congas and electric organ. Repeatedly. Immodestly virtuosic and never afraid to run with a jam, the Mars Volta's ability to alienate newcomers is well-documented. Which means this review is probably for those not already-- or instantly, after their first listen-- alienated.

Is Octahedron the band's best album? No, but if you dig on MV's unrepentantly "big" and meandering suite-driven concept-album thing, you won't necessarily be disappointed. And with songs that only once stray past the eight-minute mark, it's the most accessible MV album since the first. Slower, with fewer breakdowns or out-of-nowhere segues into a wholly new song, it's kind of a Cliffs Notes of everything the band does well, ditching much of the attention-straining stuff. For instance, the hallucinogen-friendly stretches, where glassily effected guitars ping and peal at lava-lamp tempo, have been pruned. (Okay, with a few exceptions.) Even the longest songs stick to something like a coherent mood and linear structure.

Sometimes they even straight-up rock. "Cotopaxi" is perhaps the tersest, most jagged song Omar Rodriguez-López and Cedric Bixler-Zavala have cut since At the Drive-In imploded, a boogie riff nodding to their Texan origins, violently cut up and reassembled with virtuoso care. "Desperate Graves" actually builds, rather than dropping a big loud bomb after a placid bit of introductory strumming, and comes with the closest thing the band's written to an instantly memorable chorus in quite a while. Even the breakdown is short and to the point.

This being the Mars Volta, however, it wouldn't do for the album to be entirely curveball-free. For instance, Autechre-style electronic hisses and bristling beats bubble up in the latter half off "Copernicus", mostly without getting all show-offy about it. There's also the general slow and steady downtempo-- or plain downer-- feel to many of the songs. For a band so often pilloried for being too agitated to ride out a good riff, it's probably the closest the Mars Volta will ever come to a cop for the slow jam kids. And it's hard to deny that, depending on your taste for jamming, if you've ever dug on acid-spitting wank-solos over endless, thunderous drum rolls, the final minutes of album closer "Luciforms" is pretty much the shit from a shameless climax standpoint.

As for Rodriguez-López' lyrics, well, sure, they still often verge on the eye-rolling if you're not going to meet him halfway. I'm not going to pretend that a line like, "My devil makes me dream/ Like no other mortal dreams" comes off to me as anything but camp/kitsch. And "don't stop dragging the lake" (from "Cotopaxi") isn't really an earworm as far as hooks go. Now I don't mean to dismiss the words' possible import. It's been clear from album one that the lyrics have a deep resonance for the band, and are meant as clues for the kind of fanbase who enjoys treating records as narratives with big gaps waiting to be filled with a little online research/interview legwork/guesswork. While I'm so not that guy, I will just say the melodrama-rich, scrambled poetry-notebook puzzle pieces do "work" in the context of the album's overall sound. So does the Hammer horror flick sound of Rodriguez-López's tortured-castrato vocals. When his full-tilt shriek joins the band at a moment of total commotion, you can easily imagine the planetarium-scale mock grandeur of it all.

The Mars Volta feeds some very specific needs in its fanbase. There's a certain kind of listener that, maybe once a year or maybe every day, wants music that sates the same impulse that makes people gorge on spectacle-scale cinema or devour the entire Dune series in a few weeks. The Mars Volta's specific brand of bombast may remain an untranslatable language for those rooted in a DIY-scaled world, or committed to the shiny three-minutes-and-change tidiness of the charts. But if you're fiending for the musical equivalent of an epic, partially incoherent battle between good and evil in IMAX 3D, you could do a lot worse.

— Jess Harvell, June 30, 2009

Minchia, però un po' più di precisione da pitchfork me l'aspetterei..
CAT_IMG Posted on 1/7/2009, 21:38

haha, ottimo ritorno gwyn
CAT_IMG Posted on 2/7/2009, 20:07


Ciao Walk,
anzi ciao a tutti, ho omesso un saluto generale perché anche se mi sono assentato per un po' mi sento sempre tra vecchi amici.
CAT_IMG Posted on 13/7/2009, 18:39

CITAZIONE (Kitt @ 12/6/2009, 03:13)
Rolling Stronz US, 3 stelle su 5:
"For a band that experiments with glossolalia and pig scalps, the Mars Volta open their latest with a rather straightforward image. "Do you remember how you wore that dress?" sings Cedric Bixler-Zavala in "Since We've Been Wrong," a mostly acoustic prog-soul tune that's totally hummable. It sets the tone for an LP haunted by heartbreak and more focused on soulful vocal emoting than on cool time signatures and guitar flip-outs. But Bixler-Zavala is no Maxwell; he's more about sharp pain than voluptuous ache. By the end, he invokes Gordian knots alongside a fractallike Omar Rodriguez-Lopez guitar solo. Dude sounds like he's back home again."

June 25, 2009 issue

Su Rolli Stronzi (ovvero la versione Italy), se non ricordo male, ha preso due stelline e mezzo.
Tra domani e mercoledì la posto... :)
CAT_IMG Posted on 14/7/2009, 15:27

Da Rolling Stones Italia

The Mars Volta – Octahedron
2 stelline e mezzo

Download: With Twilight as My Guide, Cotopaxi

La prima reazione dopo l’ascolto è di sconcerto: ma come, tutto qui?
Un album dei Mars Volta di “soli” 50 minuti?
Che perdipiù comincia con Since We’ve Been Wrong, una ballata bella sì, ma senza quella dozzina di cambi di tempo ormai abituali per il gruppo? Che per una buona metà privilegia atmosfere rilassate e non elettriche e pezzi di media lunghezza, non suite chilometriche?
Strano, perché le suggestioni platonico/geometriche, pitagorico/musicali evocate dal titolo parevano promettere (o minacciare) l’ennesimo magnum opus della band.
Invece, quell’umore elettroacustico che rimanda ai gloriosi Zeppelin del terzo album, vedi uno dei momenti migliori, With Twilight as My Guide, con le sue atmosfere sognanti, fa del disco una sorta di Mars Volta III. Certo, c’è qualche notevole eccezione, come l’esplosivo singolo Cotopaxi. Ma il gruppo pare indeciso sulla strada da intraprendere, e la sua pur generosa ambizione onnivora finisce per stancare anche l’ascoltatore più paziente.
Manlio Benigni

CAT_IMG Posted on 21/8/2009, 12:47

Lanciano (CH)


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